Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What love has to do with it.

In honor of Valentines day I wanted to share some thoughts on love I heard recently.

Dr. Joyce Meyers said that "love is something we all yearn for and to love and be loved is the most blissful state imaginable. But what is love? One of the best definitions is caring about the aims and well being of another person as much as you do your own.

Too many people mistake the sweaty palms and butterflies they feel during a romantic encounter as love. According to Phillip Yancy, "if a couple thinks of love as a feeling they can become bitter when they see it dissolve over the years. If they see it as a decision, a commitment, they will realize that they determine when love is present or not.

I love the thought that John Russell has on this issue...

There are three types of love:

1) Love if.
"I will love you if you will satisfy my desires. This could be a desire for romance, adventure, safety... this love will always end when one person fails to meet the expectations of the other.

2) Love because of.
"I love you because you are pretty, handsome or have money". This means they are actually in love with status. Once the beauty fades, the money is gone or the job is lost, the love is quick to follow.

3) Love period.
Love period can't wait to give. According to Russell this type of love says "you can't do anything to turn my love off". This is the love that endures. It is a rare type of love and that is what makes it so great.

I hope you have people in your life that you love period!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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