Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Grasping Greatness!

I spent the morning keynoting the southeast district 2 FCCLA leadership meeting. It was such a blast working with these great student leaders. The conference theme was "Grasp Greatness" and it really got me thinking about how we as individuals can find greatness in our lives. Here are a couple of points I shared:

1) In order to bring out greatness in ourselves we need to bring it out in others. I believe that the biggest advantage we get in our professional and personal lives is through our relationships with others. If you think about it, most people get a job or a spouse or a business connection through a friend. If you are looking daily for ways to make others better they will return the favor. Nurture your relationships.

2) In order to bring out greatness in ourselves we need to look for the opportunities in front of us. It is sad that a majority of people sit around waiting for something to happen. We do not live in a world with a lack of opportunities but we do live in a world with a lack of people who are willing to get up and work for those opportunities. My mother is a perfect example; she moved to Oklahoma City to start her own business and had zero clients! Everyday she woke up, got off her butt and pounded the pavement. Within a year she was having to turn down clients. Theodore Roosevelt said "far and away the best prize life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." I think that sums it up.

3) In order to bring out greatness in ourselves we need to acknowledge that we are great. Self talk is such a big part of my life. Often we validate ourselves by the way others see us. The problem here is that most people don't get past the perception to know the person. If we as individuals can't find the good in ourselves how can we expect others to see it? I love the thought St. Augustine gives on this issue: "people travel for days to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean and the circular motion of the stars yet they pass the mirror every single day and never give a second thought to Gods greatest creation."

Just some thoughts. Hope you have a great Christmas and make these three things a HABIT!!!

Feliz Navi Christmas...


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